Your God given talents will get you further than any gift man can give you. Use your talent. Believe in yourself. Be unstoppable. - Alexander BusyBrain
Education is a life process of learning. It is quite different from schooling. The creators manual says in Proverbs 18:16 that “A mans gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. This scripture is so significant. It never said that your education will give you a place (room) in this earth. It boldly said your gifts and talents will.
Wonder why some people joke with what is going to enlist them for greatness and give them a place of influence on earth. A place where you can exercise your God-given talent and provide leadership for others. An area where you are gifted and talented and you are greatly needed. Now, this is it. Education was meant to beautify the room that your talent will make for you. It is important to note that education is what fine tunes and refines you in tune with your talents.
It is a tragedy when someone acquires education outside his/her area of gifting. Hope comes when such person re-traces his or her bearing to discover and develop his talent. Acquiring Education outside your talent only translates to a waste of time. Believe me; you will never get fulfilled because you are not in the right environment.
Everyone was gifted in an area. We are expected to function in that area/environment of our talent. There will our fulfillment be made manifest and off course, you will be providing leadership to others. Life becomes sweet when you discover your talents so early and acquire education in that area.
And to discover those seed of greatness (Talents) you will need to read TALENT - THE BOMB by Alexander BusyBrain.