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Wednesday, 7 September 2016


"I believe that every person is born with talent." - Maya Angelou

Talents are natural abilities, special endowments and God's gifts to us. Talent is God-given skills a person easily performs without formal training. A person regardless of his belief in God is given a natural talent as a result of a combination of genetics (some have ability in music, art or mathematics) and surroundings (growing up in a musical family will aid one in developing a talent for music), or because God desired to endow all of us with certain talents. 

When God created man and woman, He designed them to fulfill a certain function and gave them certain qualities and characteristics that enabled them to perform His intended purpose. These abilities (talents) are yours before birth. They do not come to you when you receive Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. These abilities are your natural talent. They dominate about 70% of you. When you ignore it, here is what it says Cant breathe! You are choking me. 

When talent is discussed, most people think about music, sports or movie stars. Why? Because this is what society celebrates? People find it hard to label certain things as a talent. Anything in which you are naturally above average is a talent. Thus, your natural abilities to socialize with people or to seek solitude, to think with your mind or to do things with your hands, to communicate with words or to express yourself through the various art forms, to come up with the ideas or to put them into action, to lead or to follow, to inspire or to manage, to calculate or to demonstrate, to be good at counseling people, helping people, making others laugh and happy. 

Do you find it convenient bearing the burden of others; do you have the patience to listen to others while they unbar their heart and burden? Do you find it easy to pray for others and they are healed? Do you work with tools and you find it adventurous and pleasurable? Do you find it easy to organized people, events? 

The list is endless. These are all talents given freely to us by God. They are all part of your makeup and your personality from the time God chose to make you and designed you in a particular way. They relate to your purpose, which is a natural, innate, intimate part of who you are. You are designed for your purpose, without accomplishing that purpose you will not be happy and you need to discover your talents to be able to accomplish that purpose.

If your answer to the question above is no or I dont know. Am not really surprise, but then again, that is why you should download and read this free ebook TALENT - THE BOMB by Alexander BusyBrain and am sure your answer will be different at the end of the book. Just make sure you get to the end and apply the principles.

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