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Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Some Mind Blowing Facts About Christianity
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Thursday, 10 November 2016
“In the end, people will judge you anyway. Don’t live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself” – Alexander BusyBrain
From the beginning of the world, men have been jealous of one another, men have criticized one another; so it is not a new thing to hear criticisms from your friends, parents, teachers, lecturers etc. But it only gets bad when you let these negative words and acts get to you.
In fact, it should make you happy to know that people are even saying things about you because it means you are doing something. 2face in his song with MI “Nobody” said “If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody”. So, people talking about you, whether positively or negatively is good news. It means you are somebody. Cynthia Occelli said “When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom or criticize you, remember they are telling you their story, not yours”.
Even Jesus, perfect in love and motives, was criticized and misunderstood continually. People called Him a glutton (Matthew 11:19), people called Him a drunkard (Luke 7:34), people criticized Him for associating with sinners (Matthew 9:11) and accused Him of having a demon (John 8:48). But, in spite of experiencing misunderstanding, ingratitude and rejection, our Lord Jesus never became bitter or discouraged. He saw every obstacle as an opportunity; an opportunity to heal the sick; an opportunity to show love to sinners; an opportunity to forgive sinners; Jesus turned every trial into triumphs. You should do the same. Be yourself no matter what other people say. God made you the way you are for a reason. Besides, an original is always worth more than a copy.
Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe in you. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all of the facts. Walter Gagehot wrote “A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do”.
On how to discover those seed of greatness that God had planted in you right from birth, read and download for free TALENT - THE BOMB by ALEXANDER BUSYBRAIN.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Rick Ross once said, “You only live once and after that come death” which is the truth. You only live once and after that, there is no more. There is no second chance. There is nothing like reincarnation. The Bible is the standard for all Christians. From Genesis to Revelation it never made mention of reincarnation or anything even close to it. So I don’t see any reason why I or any other should believe in it for any reason.
In fact, I personally think reincarnation is the idea of some men who did not complete their mission and assignment here on earth. Those people who wasted their lives when they were young. And are looking for a second chance to make things right. Telling themselves that they are going to come back to finish what they were suppose to complete before dying.
Our forefathers mistake the power of human genetic and heredity by saying that a child who looked and have similar features with his forefathers is a come back of that their forefathers. I have been told that I am a comeback of my grandfather because we look alike and I have similar characteristics.
This is the life God has given me, and I am going to make the very most of it. I am not here to relive the life of anyone not even that of my grandfather. I am here to fulfill my own purpose and destiny. You are here to also fulfill your own God-given purpose and destiny. If you don’t fulfill it, no one will. There is no second chance for you. Anything you leave here undone remains that way. If you do not fulfill your destiny before leaving here, no one is going to fulfill it for you. You will not reincarnate to fulfill it.
I can’t think of anything more tragic than to come to the end of one's life on earth and realize that you have not really “lived”, that you never became what God created you to be. You simply endured an average, mediocre life. You got by, but you lived without passion or enthusiasm, allowing your inner potential to lie dormant and untapped just because of fear of failure, because of other people's option about you.
Live everyday of your precious life with this at the back of your mind, that after this life here there is no coming back. Don’t let fear of failure prevent you from living the great life that God has destined you to live. If you allow fear of failure to stop and prevent you from accomplishing your purpose, what are you going to tell your creator when you get to the other side?
On how to discover those seed of greatness that God had planted in you right from birth, read and download for free TALENT - THE BOMB by ALEXANDER BUSYBRAIN.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Friday, 21 October 2016
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
1. IT'S FAMILIAR: A calling comes not just by looking forward to what you will do but by also looking back at what you have done.
2. IT'S SOMETHING OTHER PEOPLE SEE IN YOU: Sometimes, our vocations are more obvious to people who know us best. It is something you must have received few compliments from people for.
3. IT'S CHALLENGING: It must be difficult enough that not everyone can do it. It is said that what you can do better than 10000 people is your gift or Talent.
4. IT REQUIRES FAITH: It cannot be something so obvious that you can easily explain it. It must be mysterious but at the same time, you are sure deep down even if you can't explain it.
5. IT TAKES TIME: You have to fail your way in the right direction before you find it and this requires a lot of time and patience.
6. IT'S MORE THAN JUST ONE THING: It integrates well with the rest of your life, not competing with but complementing your top priorities.
7. IT IS BIGGER THAN YOU: The task must be so large that without a team of people, you cannot complete it on your own. And it must be about helping a vast majority of people.
8. IT MAKES YOU HAPPY: Finally, it must make you really happy, gives you a sense of belonging and fulfillment whenever you are carrying it out.
For further reading, freely download TALENT - THE BOMB by ALEXANDER BUSYBRAIN.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Do YOU have a FRIEND like BILL?
Sunday, 25 September 2016
What FEARS YOU need to FACE?
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
"I believe that every person is born with talent." - Maya Angelou
Talents are natural abilities, special endowments and God's gifts to us. Talent is God-given skills a person easily performs without formal training. A person regardless of his belief in God is given a natural talent as a result of a combination of genetics (some have ability in music, art or mathematics) and surroundings (growing up in a musical family will aid one in developing a talent for music), or because God desired to endow all of us with certain talents.
When God created man and woman, He designed them to fulfill a certain function and gave them certain qualities and characteristics that enabled them to perform His intended purpose. These abilities (talents) are yours before birth. They do not come to you when you receive Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. These abilities are your natural talent. They dominate about 70% of you. When you ignore it, here is what it says Cant breathe! You are choking me.
When talent is discussed, most people think about music, sports or movie stars. Why? Because this is what society celebrates? People find it hard to label certain things as a talent. Anything in which you are naturally above average is a talent. Thus, your natural abilities to socialize with people or to seek solitude, to think with your mind or to do things with your hands, to communicate with words or to express yourself through the various art forms, to come up with the ideas or to put them into action, to lead or to follow, to inspire or to manage, to calculate or to demonstrate, to be good at counseling people, helping people, making others laugh and happy.
Do you find it convenient bearing the burden of others; do you have the patience to listen to others while they unbar their heart and burden? Do you find it easy to pray for others and they are healed? Do you work with tools and you find it adventurous and pleasurable? Do you find it easy to organized people, events?
The list is endless. These are all talents given freely to us by God. They are all part of your makeup and your personality from the time God chose to make you and designed you in a particular way. They relate to your purpose, which is a natural, innate, intimate part of who you are. You are designed for your purpose, without accomplishing that purpose you will not be happy and you need to discover your talents to be able to accomplish that purpose.
If your answer to the question above is no or I dont know. Am not really surprise, but then again, that is why you should download and read this free ebook TALENT - THE BOMB by Alexander BusyBrain and am sure your answer will be different at the end of the book. Just make sure you get to the end and apply the principles.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. - Psalm 139:14
The account of creation in genesis tells us that the whole world was created by God. Everything in it was spoken into creation by Him in just five days. But, when it was time for God to make you, He took His time. God almighty created you in nine months. From the first day of your life He began his creative work in you.
For the next nine months He worked daily right inside your mothers womb. He was working just to make you perfect and unique. David understood this thats why he said in Psalm 139:13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mothers womb. Which also means God was thinking about you before you were even born. When God was through with His work on making you perfect and unique; just before your beautiful mother gave birth to you, God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good Gen 1:31 (KJV).
So think what a remarkable and miraculous thing it is to be you, God made you Himself. You are a product of Gods consistent, conscious and careful handiwork of nine months nonstop. Of all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of time, not one of them is like you! No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, sorrows and opportunities.
No ones hair grows exactly the way yours does. No ones finger prints are like yours. No one has the same combination of secrets, jokes and family expressions that you know. The few people who laugh at all the same things you do dont sneeze the way you do. No one prays about exactly the same concerns as you do. No one is loved by the same combination of people that love you. No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person. No one can be cheerful and lighthearted and joyous in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being.
God needs you because your purpose is unique. He has designed you specifically to meet his requirements. Enjoy that uniqueness. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You werent meant to be like someone else. You do not have to lie to conceal the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else. You were meant to be different. Nowhere ever in all of history will the same things be going on in anyones mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.
Treasure your uniqueness. Let it inform, nudge and inspire you. It is one reason why you should feel a sense of destiny and value. God designed you as you are for a purpose. You are not ordinary. Quit being negative and critical towards yourself and begin to enjoy the unique creation of God. YOU ARE UNIQUE!
Discover more about yourself from TALENT - THE BOMB by Alexander BusyBrain. This book is available for free reads and downloads from Smashwords, kobo, Amazon and Scribd.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Your God given talents will get you further than any gift man can give you. Use your talent. Believe in yourself. Be unstoppable. - Alexander BusyBrain
Education is a life process of learning. It is quite different from schooling. The creators manual says in Proverbs 18:16 that “A mans gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. This scripture is so significant. It never said that your education will give you a place (room) in this earth. It boldly said your gifts and talents will.
Wonder why some people joke with what is going to enlist them for greatness and give them a place of influence on earth. A place where you can exercise your God-given talent and provide leadership for others. An area where you are gifted and talented and you are greatly needed. Now, this is it. Education was meant to beautify the room that your talent will make for you. It is important to note that education is what fine tunes and refines you in tune with your talents.
It is a tragedy when someone acquires education outside his/her area of gifting. Hope comes when such person re-traces his or her bearing to discover and develop his talent. Acquiring Education outside your talent only translates to a waste of time. Believe me; you will never get fulfilled because you are not in the right environment.
Everyone was gifted in an area. We are expected to function in that area/environment of our talent. There will our fulfillment be made manifest and off course, you will be providing leadership to others. Life becomes sweet when you discover your talents so early and acquire education in that area.
And to discover those seed of greatness (Talents) you will need to read TALENT - THE BOMB by Alexander BusyBrain.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Enjoy your ride!